Florida Youth ChalleNGe Academy Foundation Inc. is a Tax-Exempt Non-Profit 501 (c)(3) Organization

Success starts here...
Together, with your help!

Who We Are

Our Mission is…

“Supporting the efforts of the Florida Youth ChalleNGe Academy through consistent  fundraising, volunteer advocacy, and community awareness”

Our Vision is…

“Aligning our efforts to transform Florida youth into productive citizens by funding educational and technical scholarships, along with underfunded needs and activities”

What We Do


— We Award Scholarships

We award Educational scholarships to deserving cadets at graduation in the amount of $4000 every six months based on applications and available funding. We currently award $8,000 on average in scholarships a year.  Let us know if you would like to become an Annual donor.


— We Build Networks

Our Board Members have various backgrounds, talents, and influences that allow us to constantly seek out opportunities in Florida communities to build a stronger Foundation to support FLYCA’s Leadership, Staff, and Cadets. Want to join us?  Email us at Info@flycafoundation.com


— We Host Events

Our main fundraiser is our Annual Golf Tournament. Additionally, we’ve partnered with others to support Triathlons, Fishing Tournaments, Painting Parties, Movie Nights and other fundraising events. Let us know if you have an idea for our next event.


— We Honor the Fallen and Leave Legacies for the Future

The Legacy Garden honors the fallen and leaves legacies for our future.  Legacy bricks leave a wonderful tribute lovely garden where cadets hand lay individual bricks that line the pathway from the arbor to the garden with personalized engraved messages. These unique customized bricks are available for purchase for $50 for your business or as legacy for a cadet.   


— We Provide Additional Funding for the Morale and Welfare of Cadets

We provide funding for morale and welfare events that would not be possible without additional funding such as Cadet Family Day, Graduation Receptions, and other Campus Recreational Equipment. Ask how you can contribute or donate goods and services today!


— We Raise Funds for the Academy and Cadets

All funds go directly to support the Academy and Cadets. We are always looking for new opportunities for financial support through Fundraising, Corporate Sponsorship and Individual Donors. Nothing is too small or too large. Everything is appreciated. Join us today.

Impact Stories

FLYCA Changed our Son's Life
“We thought if we couldn’t teach our son discipline and to be a good member of our community that no one could. We’re proud to say “FLYCA did what we couldn’t do”. They took away the distractions and replaced it with structure, education, tools, and training to become a viable citizen in our community. He proudly graduated with his GED and went on to serve in the Military. All Thanks to FLYCA…Definitely a LIFE CHANGER!”


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