We are united in our dedication to support teens in our communities
Partnering with FLYCA to transform Florida's youth into productive citizens
Who We Are
“Supporting the efforts of the Florida Youth ChalleNGe Academy through consistent fundraising, volunteer advocacy, and community awareness efforts”

Marie Brabham, Executive Director
Danny Brabham, CSM (ret), Past Chair
Ron George, Board Member
Pat Pitts, LTC (ret), Board Member
Ernest Lance, Board Member
Julie Kyrazis, Col (ret), Board Member
Elizabeth Masters, COL(ret), Board Member
About Florida youth challenge academy
Florida Youth ChalleNGe Academy (FLYCA) is
A voluntary program geared toward Florida’s 16-18 year old youth. The program consist of two phases. The residential phase of the program takes place in a highly disciplined and motivational environment promoting structure and academics along with leadership, health, community service, life skills, job skills, physical fitness and citizenship. The post-residential phase takes place after graduation and is a time when the cadet uses the skills learned in the residential phase through their placement in either a job, further education, or the military. The cadet is matched with a mentor during the residential phase and this mentor helps guide the cadet during the post-residential phase.
For more information about Florida Youth Challenge Academy visit https://www.floridayouthchallengeacademy.org/
— FLYCA's Mission
To provide a highly disciplined and motivational environment, free from outside distractions, which fosters academics, leadership, development, personal growth, self esteem and physical fitness for qualifying high school dropouts.
— Foundation's Vision
To assist FLYCA by aligning our efforts to transform Florida youth into productive citizens by funding educational and technical scholarships, along with underfunded needs and activities.
— Our Story
Charitable contributions are a main source of funding our programs. We welcome all donations and contributions to assist our cadets. These funds directly support scholarships, campus improvements, and morale and welfare events just to name a few. You can help with supporting our fundraisers such as the Memorial brick program, Annual Golf Tournament, Monetary donations, and Sponsorship programs. All contributions receive a charitable donation receipt.
Our Sponsors